Pear note mp3
Pear note mp3

Inter crops like wheat, green gram, peas, toria and sunflower are best suited. Intercropping in Pear Fruit Farming:- Inter cropping is the best way to make some additional income during 1 to 2 years of plantation. Drip irrigation can be used in water problematic areas. After harvesting the Pears in July-August, the trees should be irrigated at 3 weeks intervals. Frequency of irrigation depends mainly on soil moisture holding capacity. Excessive moisture will impact the fruit color and quality. In case of heavy rains, water should not be stagnated and well drained out. In case of loamy soils, moisture should be present 1.5 meter depth for better yield. In case of lighter soils, irrigation may be required frequently. In heaver soils having high moisture content upper 1 meter level are very crucial for tree growth and fruit development. Subsequent irrigations should be carried on need basis. Next irrigation should be given after 2 to 3 days of planting. Watering should be done immediately after planting. Irrigation in Pear Fruit Farming:- Pits should be irrigated first to settle the soil. This can be done while preparing the soil or land. If the soil is deficient in zinc and iron, appropriate zinc sulphate & ferrous sulphate should be applied. In case of Nitrogen application, 1/2 dose of N should be applied 21 days before flowering stage and the remaining half dose can be applied after fruit set.


The full dose of P & K should be applied along with farm yard manure. Manures and Fertilizers in Pear Fruit Farming:-Generally the 10 year old pear plant requires about 80 to 90 kg of well rotten FMY, 650 to 700 grams of N, 300 to 350 grams of P205 & 650 to 700 grams of K2O. Watering should be done immediately to settle the soil. Remove any sprouts on root suckers and rootstock.

pear note mp3

The soil level should be little higher near the trunk than the basin to avoid the direct contact of water with the trunk.To keep the tree stems straight, the plants should be staked. Basins should be prepared immediately after planting. These pits should be filled with a mixture of soil and well rotten farmyard manure (FMY) or organic compost & 25 grams of aldrinor BHC dust. A pit size of 1 x 1 x1 meter should be dug. In Pear fruit farming, planting distance depends on variety, soil fertility, rootstock, training system adopted and climatic condition of the area. However, contour system is followed on hilly areas. In general, square and rectangular system is followed.

pear note mp3 pear note mp3

Usually layout system depends on the land topography and density of plants.

pear note mp3

The land should be leveled in such a way that there should not be any water stagnation. Couple of ploughs is enough to bring the soil to fine tilth. Land Preparation and Planting in Pear Fruit Farming:- Land should be clear of all weeds and any other old stems and roots of previously grown plants. Planting Season in Pear Fruit Farming:- December to mid February for plains and early spring for hilly regions is the best period for planting pear. This crop requires neutral pH of 5.5 to 7.5 due to iron deficiency appears on highly alkaline soils.The soils rich in nitrogen are not preferred for pear crop cultivation because of pear psylla and fire blight presence in these soils. Pears grown on deeper soils produce more yield than shallow soils. The optimum soil depth of 170 to 180 cm is preferred for good root growth and fruit production. This crop can tolerate to wet soils but not drought conditions. It prefers relatively more clay soil for better growth and yield. Soil Requirement in Pear Fruit Farming:- Pear fruit thrives best in well drained, deep and rich soils with medium texture.

Pear note mp3